• Landscape in Yanaka (谷中)

    A storefront display designed to not break the landscape!

"Yanaka (谷中) area" is while leaving a retro atmosphere... stylish shops are surprisingly many.
In recent years, young people have entered the market and the number of fashionable shops has increased, but every store has been devised to harmonize with the landscape.

Landscape in Yanaka町

It is the scenery of the town "Yanaka" which is continuing efforts and evolution.

Stained glass shop. "nido"

we will glad you when refered in sight-seeing.

Landscape in Yanaka

A small atelier's gate.

Landscape in Yanaka

Foods & Booze. "Birds House"

Landscape in Yanaka

Beauty salon. "dolls"

Landscape in Yanakadolls

Hourglass gallery & cafe. "Sablier de Verrier"

Landscape in Yanaka

Soba restaurant where jazz flows. "千尋"

Landscape in Yanaka

Beauty salon. "あおぞら美粧院"

Landscape in Yanaka

hair room. "motena"

Landscape in Yanaka

Shaved ice specialty store "ひみつ堂".

Landscape in Yanaka

A matrix will always occur.

Landscape in Yanaka

Braised dishes and wine shops. "necojitaya/ネコジタヤ"

Landscape in Yanaka


Landscape in Yanaka

old bar street. "初音小路"

Landscape in Yanaka

Rice cracker shop. "都せんべい"

Landscape in Yanaka

Organic shop.

Landscape in Yanaka

Cat goods specialty store. "のら"

Landscape in Yanaka

Landscape in Yanaka

The photograph was taken from 2015 to 2016.

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